Thursday, June 16, 2005

:: Grown Apart ::

Many things have changed
I'm one of them.
Things will never be the same again.

We used to be really good friends,
But now we feel more like
Those people who you brush shoulders with
at a busy street.

We used to be one of those people
who could finish each other's sentences.
But now,
I don't even know
what you're thinking
what you're feeling.
Do you feel the same?

I have been talking, talking.
Yes, you're hearing
But, you're not really listening
with your heart.
It's really a shame.
Eyes wide open,
everything's crystal clear.
But you only see
what you want to see
Hear what you want to hear.

Something or someone has torn us apart,
killed this true friendship
with a fatal scar.
I don't believe in forever,
I just believe in 'now'.

The curtains are drawn,
the show's over.
I'm in doubt whether we can
mend this wounded friendship.
I cherished it once,
when it was still special
and meaningful.
Now, I think I'll just
let it go.
Coz' I don't wanna know.

Every day of our life,
dully ripped away.
I see so many sheets of calendar
crumpled into unsightly balls of white.
I'm not surprised to find
that we've grown apart.
It's quite natural,
when the weary clock
had ticked for so long a time.
We've become different people
oceans apart in our ways of life,
bound only by this
old rusty chain of friendship.

I will just let it be.
I know, I used to cared a lot.
But now?
I don't feel nothing no more.
Broaden my horizons I will
and see beyond this murky gray sea.
Only time will tell and
only time will heal our wounds.

Everyone, juz remember to appreciate what you have before you lose it... ~~Peace~~

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