Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Breaking Of The Glass Heart

Mind is blank, soul is empty,
staring eyes are glassy.
Emotions are all riled up,
bubbling within me,
threatening to spill out into tears.

Utter these words of poison you did,
my heart seems to be made of glass,
breaking into tiny shards,
unable to represent its original sentiment,
lined with blood,
edges still sharp enough for more pain.

I am not you but I am trying to understand
but why are you shaking your head?

Pls don't turn into this stranger
that I do not know,
that say things that tear me up inside,
that does things that bring me tears.

I do not know
how much more I can shed pearls of white,
how long more before my heart turns cold.
Pray that will never happen a time too early.
Pray that it will never happen at all...

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