Saturday, November 19, 2005

~ Beacon of Light ~

Around me,
darkness slips through the crevices,
to emerge as twirling vipers
ready to strike,
with venom
so lethal that it fouls the air around it.
But the most poisonous weapon
is not it,
nor is it the bombs showering the once clear night sky,
instead, it is the keyboard
that types words carefully,
stringed together with precision
to present
malicious intent,
searing flesh,
separating mind, body and soul.

I dare not tread lightly,
for fear that once I dip
my toes into the treacherous waters,
I'll become as tainted.
Never to be pure of heart and mind
ever again.

Valid is my fear,
But there's nothing I can do
except to persevere
and hope to find a
shining beacon
on the far horizon
to lead me to salvation.

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