Thursday, January 10, 2008


This time, there were no tears.
Just the sound of regret
and sadness whirling inside me.

Why? Why has it come to this?
the question echoes darkly.
but there is no resounding answer.

I'm alone on a dark moor
a plain of darkish thoughts
a lake of murky hesitations.

Torn into tiny little pieces
torn between two sides
the angel and devil in me fights.

the elusive question remains
no answer appears in my head.
why?! i screamed out aloud in the silent room

There is nothing wrong
everything is perfectly fine
am I asking for too much?

What happened to the feelings?
Where have they gone?
Did I force myself to change too much?

Stare blankly in the bathtub while the water runs...
Breeze in face looking out of the window
Empty eyes in front of the computer screen.

No.. the answer does not come.
How long before the answer discovers its finder?
Still I sit here... waiting.

And this time, I promise you,
there were no tears.
just cold sad loneliness..

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